Learning from a DDoS Attack; Prepping a Business for the Cloud; USPTO CIO on Cloud and DevSecOPs

InformationWeek Cloud
February 27, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Harnessing the Power of the Cloud
Organizations must establish a clear cloud strategy anchored in both quantitative and qualitative migration drivers from a business, technology, and operational perspective.

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The DDoS Attack on German Airport Websites and What IT Leaders Can Learn

A DDoS attack recently took down the websites for several German airports. We compare this incident with other recent attacks against airports and explain how companies can protect against future DDoS attacks.
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How To Prepare Your Business for the Cloud: 6 Factors To Consider

Cloud is the future -- and those looking to migrate must do so strategically, and consider all the important organizational factors before diving in.
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Q&A: US Patent and Trademark Office's CIO on Cloud and DevSecOps

Jamie Holcombe talks about developing a “software factory” drawing upon DevSecOps methodology and GitLab to help it modernize software development within his agency.
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  • ITSM Guide to Evaluation and Selection

    Is your ITSM ready for a refresh? While many organizations choose to continue to manage their IT Service Desk using rudimentary ticketing platforms, there are benefits to upgrading. The good news is, it's never too late to refresh, and you ...

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Cloud in 2023: From Customer Transformation to the Metaverse
Cloud has always been a catalyst for transformation yet now it is ushering in a new wave of innovation -- particularly for the metaverse experience. Read More
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Wi-Fi Analytics Trends for Enterprise IT
Get up to speed with Wi-Fi analytics for enterprises interested in upgrading their networks to newer specs (including Wi-Fi 6 and 6E). Read More
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GoDaddy Hit with Multiyear Breach
Domain registrar GoDaddy disclosed that it is the victim of a multiyear campaign. How does an attack go undiscovered so long, and how is the risk of other attacks like it? Read More
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6 Worthless Security Tactics That Won't Go Away
Trusting a security placebo never makes sense. Don't let your organization fall victim to a discredited security approach that provides little or no protection. Read More
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