The latest news and analysis about patient safety and healthcare quality
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Featured Story

Has Remote Patient Monitoring Hit a Roadblock?
According to social media and news reports, the roadblock is coming from the American Medical Association’s 21-member CPT Editorial Panel, which hasn’t been able to agree on amendments to the CPT codes covering RPM services. The panel indefinitely suspended the proposed changes at its May meeting.

News & Analysis

The Difference Between Patient Experience and Customer Experience, and Why It Matters
Patient experience is related to when someone receives medical care in the moment, says Sarah Way, an emergency medicine physician. For example, receiving treatment from an emergency room clinician is a patient experience.
Connection is Key to Recovery
Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. The 2024 theme is “Powered by Connection,” which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful connections have on our health. Leading professional anesthesiologists from the California Society of Anesthesiologists, advocate for a multidisciplinary approach to anesthesia care that promotes diligent screening and creating lasting connections with patients and their greater care team to ensure the best patient care.
OSHA Cites Subcontractor for Asbestos Exposures in Hospital Demolition
Chicago-area subcontractor K.L.F. Enterprises faces $392,002 in OSHA fines for exposing its employees and others to asbestos during the structural demolition of a Waukegan, Illinois, hospital, the agency announced May 15.
PSQH: The Podcast

PSQH: The Podcast Episode 103 – Supporting Nurses with Substance Abuse Disorders

On episode 103 of PSQH: The Podcast, Deborah Koivula, Outreach Coordinator for Statewide Peer Assistance for Nurses in New York, talks about how provider organizations can better support nurses struggling with substance abuse disorders. This episode is part of PSQH's activities for National Nurses Week, sponsored by Collette Health & Drexel University.
Sponsored content

Reduce Workplace Violence with Nursing-Focused Tech

It’s no secret that working in healthcare can be hazardous to your health, especially for nurses. A 2022 National Nurses United survey of hospital-based respondents found a 57% increase in workplace violence from the previous year. This content is presented in partnership with Collette Health.

Industry Events


Monday, 6/3 - APIC 2024

Monday, 9/16 - AAAHC Achieving Accreditation (Virtual)

Sunday, 10/6 - ASHRM 2024 Annual Conference





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Contact Christa Cruz to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Christa Cruz
National Sales Manager