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Have you checked out the Long-Term Care Resource Center?
The Long-Term Care Resource Center is the best place to explore the latest tools, learn industry updates, & find upcoming networking opportunities in the long-term care field through:
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PDPM prep classes
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to stay compliant & up-to-date on the most current regulations
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to learn from industry experts at a time that's convenient for you
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to grow your network & connect with other LTC professionals

Click here to visit the Resource Center!


Prefer an all-in-one guide?
Be sure to order the
Long-Term Care State Operations Manual

Long-Term Care State Operations Manual

with features to help you:
  • Stay compliant with complete access to all recent F-tag revisions
  • Save time searching & downloading extensive government documents
  • Manage risk by understanding each possible deficiency
  • Download all essential CMS forms to ensure thorough survey prep
  • And much more!
Click here to order today!
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