Hey guys,

There's a cool vibe in the Dubai air right now.

No, we're not talking about the breeze that many of us are *still* bundling up for, but the newness on our radar.

It was only this morning we shared the news of Miu Miu officially opening up a pop-up café in a dreamy location, while Maison Margiela has gone viral for its own temp foodie spot.

If you're into interiors and not just your clothes, this spot is also a must-visit. Put it this way, you'll find all your Pinterest saves and more right here.

The art world is also sharing the spotlight right now — Sotheby's current art installation is only on for the next few days and it's the first of its kind too. Did you ever make it to the Cartier exhibition? That abra!

Chances are by tomorrow, we'll have even more news on the fashionable places to go. After all, Dubai is the place to be seen.

Good job we're here to give you a front row seat...


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Al Quoz

Is this Dubai’s trendiest neighbourhood?

Enjoy these while the weather is *this* great

A slice of culture incoming

Your monthly fun-spiration


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