Media Winners & Losers

Chris Hayes

MSNBC's Chris Hayes ripped into the spiteful, “culture war virtue signaling” that has arisen among some Trump supporters and conservatives over the wearing of masks.

Refusing to wear a face mask has become a kind of right-wing badge of honor, Hayes noted. President Donald Trump himself said he'd made a personal decision to never wear a mask despite his own task force advising it and thousands of businesses asking their customers to do so to mitigate the risk of spreading. 

Hayes noted the troubling example being set by the president’s refusal to follow this basic public health guidance. 

“You might have noticed, also, that not wearing a mask has kind of become a sort of weird, culture war virtue signaling by Trump people,” Hayes observed, pointing to Republican congressmen, anti-lockdown protestors, and one Florida man who taunted “commies in Blue States” by posting a video of a crowded bar where no one was wearing a mask — which Trump retweeted on Wednesday night.

“The easiest, lowest hanging fruit to make things at least somewhat better, the smallest, most trivia thing is: let’s all wear masks," said Hayes, stating what should be obvious but apparently isn't to vocal minority of right wing figures who think they are "sticking it" to the media.

Hayes addressed this shockingly selfish behavior in detail and that's good for everyone.
Eric Trump

Eric Trump indulged conspiracy theory and bad medicine alike when he commented this weekend that the coronavirus will “magically” go away once Democrats and the media can no longer use the pandemic to politically attack his father, President Donald Trump.

“Biden loves this, Biden can’t go out on stage without making a horrible blunder” he said to conspiracy-minded Fox News host Jeanine Pirro. “They think they’re taking away Donald Trump’s greatest tool, which is being able to go into an arena and fill it with 50,000 people every single time.”

The pandemic, and the effort to control, all part of a plot to keep Trump from having those huge rallies, he is saying. 

Trump went on to that "after November 3rd, the coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen."

The conversation continued with Trump boasting of his father’s crowd sizes, blasting calls for mail-in voting, and calling the situation a “cognizant strategy” of his dad’s critics to defeat him.

Eric Trump’s comments draw parallels with what his brother, Donald Trump Jr.said months ago when he accused Democrats of hoping that the virus would come to America and cause mass death because it would make their dad politically look bad.

88,709 Americans are dead of this "hoax" at the time of this mailing.

The A-Block

Trump and the Local News Reporter

Four days after the video first caught his attention, President Donald Trump this Monday morning is ratcheting up his attacks on a local news reporter who was verbally abused and stalked by anti-lockdown protesters in Long Island.

In a tweet, the president again shared footage posted by News 12 Long Island’s Kevin Vesey — which showed demonstrators harassing him. They called him a "traitor" and one even told Vesey "you are the virus." Later, a man actually stalked Vesey.

For that, the protesters were encouraged and praised by Trump on Friday. And again on Saturday.

And on Monday, yet again.

'Basic Decency'

CNN’s Brian Stelter ripped President Donald Trump on Sunday for how his war with the political press has fomented anger and aggression throughout the country.

“The president is encouraging confrontations with reporters,” Stelter noted. “He’s saying it’s okay. He’s saying it’s patriotic, it’s Trumpian, to confront local TV reporters, to yell epithets while they’re trying to work, to act menacing in front of kids. It’s where we are. This is the kind of stuff you see in autocracies, not democracies.”

"It helps nobody. It just causes society to fray around the edges," he said. 

'Let Us Do It Without Being Harassed'

Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins came to the defense of Vesey also. “I send my support in regard for Kevin beasy for going out there. He went by himself, he had no cameraman, he was shooting with his cell phone, a reality of this time, and he was there to tell their story, and they harassed him.

He even managed to muster a sort of objection to Trump cheering.

"I’m not sure the president tweeting supporting them is a right move here," he said.

‘Doctor Death and Destruction’

Fox News’ Steve Hilton demanded the firing of Dr. Robert Redfied as he went off on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for how they’ve handled the coronavirus pandemic.

/White House trade advisor Peter Navarro on Sunday told NBC's Chuck Todd that the CDC has "really let the country down."

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, however, does not agree.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace spoke to the former head of the CDC, Tom Frieden, about whether the agency is currently being sidelined.

Does anyone else smell a scapegoat?


President Donald Trump viciously lashed out over a 60 Minutes interview Norah O’Donnell conducted with a government whistleblower on the coronavirus pandemic response.

O’Donnell interviewed Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of a federal vaccine agency, who testified before the House last week that the administration was slow to respond to the coronavirus pandemic and pushed him out of his position for political reasons. That prompted a whistleblower complaint which has called into question the Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic.

Trump, apparently a dedicated viewer of 60 Minutes, had previously lashed out at the CBS News program just last week, after it aired an in-depth report on the “disinformation campaign” hampering his administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

‘CNN Faker’

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins pushed back on President Donald Trump’s calling her a “CNN Faker” Sunday evening because apparently this is what is the current state of discourse in America.

At issue is a video clip that emerged over the weekend that came at the end of Friday afternoon’s White House Briefing in which Collins removed her facial mask shortly after Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany ended the event.

The president flipped.

'Too Good to be True?'

On Sunday evening, Ben Smith, former editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed and now New York Times media columnist, delivered a scathing assessment of the journalistic endeavors of Ronan Farrow, in his coverage of #MeToo scandals.

It is a subject that is now open for criticism after Tara Reade made an accusation against Democrat Joe Biden.

Flipping out

A woman recorded herself having a public freakout after a store refused to let her enter without a face mask amid the coronavirus pandemic.

After being told that a mask is necessary to enter Gelson’s Market in Dana Point, California, the woman, who identified herself as Shelley Lewis, asked to speak with the manager.

Must-See Clip

Arizona Straight Talk

Arizona business owner Larry White, whose restaurant has been in operation since 1964, spoke with MSNBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard about when he will reopen his doors to eat-in customers, and it was an amazing exchange.

“I’ll tell you one thing, I ain’t going open up until Disneyland opens up.”

Every word is great. You have to watch this.

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