The National Park Service turns 103 today!

Hi friend,,

Did you know that today is the 103rd birthday of the National Park Service?! Were you able to get out and enjoy the parks for free today?!

We’ll be celebrating with a visit to Joshua Tree National Park this November to race for our planet. In honor of NPS’ birthday, we’re offering something special for those of you who join our race team to celebrate with us! Join our Joshua Tree Half Marathon team by Aug 31, and we’ll kick off your fundraising with a $100 credit! 

This past year, with the government shutdown and vandalizing of our parks, it’s been clear that our National Parks need our support more than ever. But you can make a difference -- join our team and raise money so Sierra Club can continue to do things like protect our public lands and the species that inhabit them. And don’t worry, the race takes place outside park boundaries, so we’re not disrupting the beauty inside the park. 

Ready to go? Sign up today
for $100 fundraising credit.


Can't make it but still
want to support our team?


We hope you’ll join us in celebrating 103 years of the National Park Service, 

Jessica Dean
Associate Director, Team Sierra

The race takes place outside park boundaries for preservation reasons. 

Team Sierra is committed to creating fundraising events accessible for everyone.  If racing is not for you, check out our other campaigns or contact us
Team Sierra

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