It's time you took your community-led event strategy to the next level. This white paper can help. As virtual and hybrid event technology has become more common in response to Covid, event producers are finding that these platforms can deliver positive results for engaging remote volunteer and ambassador teams. Organizations that cultivate a community-led approach to events will instill greater flexibility and synergies across operational silos.
In a survey commissioned by Bevy, an event platform used by community and event organizers, organizers revealed how they use these technological platforms. Download this FREE white paper to see the results, which show how community leaders can be hands-on and facilitate remote team engagement and deliver a scalable, multifaceted user experience. It's time you leveled-up your community-led event strategy. A look into what you will find inside: - Nearly four in 10 (39%) survey respondents said their top priority is facilitating engagement with ambassadors, volunteers and local chapter or team leaders.
- An additional 22% said finding a user-friendly platform for these team members to organize, build capacity and execute their mission across a spectrum of live and virtual event formats is their number one priority.
- 61% of respondents have identified community engagement as the most important function for a virtual or hybrid events platform to deliver.