Outbound Email Security Essentials


Headless zorgt voor de optimale merkbeleving

E-commerce heeft in multichannel omgevingen veel baat bij ontkoppeling van frontend en backend

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Met deze week:
Taking Control of Your Office 365 Data
Using Transparency to Enhance Reputation and Manage Business Risk
Building the Foundation for the Digital Enterprise
Outbound Email Security Essentials
2020 Global Networking Rapport
Using Transparency to Enhance Reputation and Manage Business Risk
This report examines how business leaders are using transparency to mitigate risk, create business value, and drive competitive advantages.
Building the Foundation for the Digital Enterprise
This Cloud Readiness Report discusses the state of cloud in the Netherlands and discusses what businesses need to know to develop their own cloud strategy.
Outbound Email Security Essentials
This white paper looks at the fundamentals of email and file transfer security and why businesses need more robust email security solutions.
2020 Global Networking Rapport
Het Global Networking Trends Report 2020 geeft IT-leiders, strategen en praktijkmensen inzicht in de huidige en toekomstige netwerktrends
Taking Control of Your Office 365 Data
This 451-research report looks at what businesses should be doing to protect and control their Office 365 data.
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Deze nieuwsbrief is een uitgave van IDG Nederland. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

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