24 May 2024

B7 Summit in Rome: Leading the transitions together

On 17 May, BusinessEurope participated in the B7 Summit in Rome together with leaders of the other business federations from the G7 countries.
Director General Markus J. Beyrer, in his keynote address, underlined that "We have very different economic realities among G7 countries, but there is one thing that unites G7 economies: we want to improve our competitiveness to achieve more economic growth." To support our shared competitiveness, G7 countries need to coordinate on industrial subsidies and have a joint approach to address overcapacity, avoiding unilateral actions that go against multilateral commitments. We should increase our economic resilience and maintain high ambition
on carbon emissions targets. B7 delegates also had an opportunity to share their views on the challenges facing G7 countries with the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. At the end of the Summit, the leaders of the business federations of G7 countries issued a communiqué titled "Leading the transitions together" to convey policy recommendations for reinforcing our shared competitiveness and shaping a prosperous and equitable future for our societies.
Read the B7 communiqué

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Quote of the week

“It is quite difficult to find quick fixes to issues like permitting, energy prices and regulatory costs at a European level because, to make significant steps on many of these things, you need revision of primary legislation, which we know is hardly going to happen overnight.”

Director General Markus J. Beyrer in an interview with Financial Times, 16 May

Latest publications

Global Gateway initiative

22 May

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Key messages to the EU Competitiveness Council 24 May

22 May

Read our letter

B7 Italy - Leading the transitions together

17 May

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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) implementation

14 May

Read BusinessEurope's survey

Upcoming events

11-12 June
Reuters Event: Responsible Business Europe 2024

11-13 June
European Sustainable Energy Week
13-14 June
Prague European Summit

13-15 June
G7 Italy Summit
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