11 July 2024

What’s next for EU-Türkiye trade relations? 

On 8 June, together with our Turkish member federations Tüsiad and Tisk, BusinessEurope participated in the first EU-Türkiye High-Level Trade Dialogue. This important event was chaired by European Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis and Türkiye’s Trade Minister Ömer Bolat.
From a trade and economic perspective, the EU and Türkiye are natural partners due to the geographical proximity and closely interlinked economies and supply chains. The benefits of the Customs Union Agreement are clear: our trade in goods is 60% higher than if we were to trade under WTO rules. However, as our Director General Markus J. Beyrer emphasised, “a number of trade irritants persist, and we need to find effective ways to address them”. The modernisation of the Customs Union, including all EU Member States, is a top priority for us.
We recommend extending the scope of the agreement to cover all goods and services trade, public procurement, the protection of intellectual property rights, and rules on state aid. It should also be adjusted to reflect today’s ambitions in the areas of sustainability and the digital economy, and include an effective and neutral dispute settlement mechanism. Given the close economic integration, Türkiye’s alignment with the EU acquis is particularly important as we accelerate our efforts towards the green and digital transitions.

Economic security: EU business priorities

As geopolitical tensions are reshaping the global economic and trade landscape, we need to talk about economic security. Watch our Director General Markus J. Beyrer explain the top five priorities for European businesses.

Did you know?

Quote of the week

"European companies are suffocating in bureaucracy. From 2017 to 2022, 850 new regulatory obligations were introduced at the EU level, adding up to 5,000 pages."

Director General Markus J. Beyrer quoted in the leading Austrian media outlet Kurier, on 7 July 2024.

Latest papers

BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029

10 July

On EU research and innovation
On EU sustainable finance
On EU circular economy policy
On EU environmental policy

Upcoming events

16 July
Inverting the Global Protectionist Drift - G7 Industry Stakeholders conference

16 July
Informal energy ministers meeting               
16-19 July
First European Parliament Plenary after elections

26 July – 11 August
Olympic Games in Paris
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