19 September 2024

Exchange with WTO: business needs clear, enforceable rules

On 13 September, BusinessEurope’s delegation led by our Deputy Director General Luisa Santos engaged in a productive dialogue with World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Director-General Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, during this year’s WTO Public Forum.  
The discussion focused on the crucial importance of rules-based trade and the WTO amidst rising geopolitical tensions and increasing protectionist measures.The delegation emphasised the European industry’s strong commitment to the WTO and the necessity for clear, enforceable rules. 
Key priorities highlighted include making the moratorium on customs duties for electronic transactions permanent and ensuring the WTO has a fully functioning, binding dispute settlement system. These measures are essential for creating a stable environment for businesses to thrive.

Five key priority areas for trade

Curious about how a proactive trade agenda can boost European competitiveness? Watch our Deputy DG Luisa Santos and Deputy Director Eleonora Catella dive into the five key priority areas from our latest position paper.

Join the discussion!

Check out the programme and register here.

Did you know?

The Domestic Advisory Groups, set up under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement to advise on the implementation of the agreement, meet today and tomorrow in Brussels. 

Quote of the week

“BusinessEurope, the EU’s main industry group, has warned that the amount of secondary legislation alone, stemming from laws announced in the last mandate, represents an 'imminent new tsunami' for EU companies”. 

Financial Times, Is red tape strangling Europe’s growth?, 9 September 2024.

Latest paper

Evaluation of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive

11 September

Read BusinessEurope's comments in response to the call for evidence.

Upcoming events

2 October
Energy and climate transition: How to strengthen the EU's competitiveness

21-25 October
European Week for Safety and Health at Work
11-22 November
UN Climate Change conference - COP29

20-21 November
European Business Summit 2024
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