16 May 2024

European social partners at the 50th Macroeconomic Dialogue

On 13 May, European social partners met with the European Commission and the European Central Bank at the 50th edition of the biannual Macroeconomic Dialogue at the political level to discuss recent developments in the economic situation.
© European Union
BusinessEurope places great importance on the macroeconomic dialogue, considering it an invaluable platform for exchanging perspectives and actively engaging in discussions with institutions and other social partners. Director General Markus J. Beyrer summarised businesses' views on the economic situation before discussing the challenges and opportunities for strengthening Europe's economic base. He remarked, "2023 was the seventh time in the last ten
years that US growth has exceeded that in the EU. Strengthening Europe's competitiveness must be at the forefront of the next political cycle, a reboot of European policies is vital to tackling structural weaknesses". He also stressed that we will only be able to play a strong role in a changing world and achieve EU's environmental and social goals by strengthening Europe's economy and improving its attractiveness as an investment location.

SME Roadshow: Third stop in The Hague

On 15 May, BusinessEurope organised the third SME Roadshow in The Hague together with our Dutch member federation VNO-NCW and in collaboration with MKB-Nederland. The event gathered key representatives from European and national institutions, SMEs, and entrepreneurs from across Europe. 

Reboot Europe: Company voices

Did you know?

Read our recommendations to improve CBAM implementation

Quote of the week

“The next EU political cycle could see Europe turn into an SME superpower – but only if we see a clear focus on competitiveness and a strong commitment to making Europe the best place to do business again.”

Fabrice Le Saché, Chair of BusinessEurope's Entrepreneurship & SME Committee, at the third SME Roadshow in The Hague, 15 May

Latest publications

Proposal for a Regulation establishing an EU Talent Pool

6 May

Read our position paper

European Labour Authority evaluation and future priorities

6 May

Read our input

Industry statement on the proposal for a Green Claims Directive

8 May

Read the joint statement

The EU proposal on compulsory licensing

8 May

Read the joint statement

Upcoming events

17 May
B7 Summit in Rome

11-12 June
Reuters Event: Responsible Business Europe 2024
11-13 June
European Sustainable Energy Week

13-15 June
G7 Italy Summit
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