28 June 2024

High time for a new European competitiveness deal: Message to the Hungarian EU Presidency

Today, Presidents and Directors General of our member federations gathered in Budapest at the invitation of our Hungarian member federation MGYOSZ – BusinessHungary. We shared with the Hungarian Government business priorities for the incoming Hungarian EU Presidency. 
“Now is the time to fill with life the new European competitiveness deal. This will ensure the European Union remains home to successful companies that create quality jobs as part of an economically successful green and digital transition", highlighted our President Fredrik Persson. It will require a reboot of EU policies, he added. Our priorities for the second half of 2024: better regulation in a well-integrated Single Market, open strategic autonomy to strengthen Europe globally, and an ambitious industrial strategy for a resilient future.
This was the key business message at the meeting with Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, and Màrton Nagy, Minister for the National Economy. We also had an excellent exchange with Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute and the author of the recent report on the future of the Single Market. We welcomed his call for a reboot of the Single Market to meet the demands of today's global landscape, as outlined in his report. 
Read our declaration

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Quote of the week

"Europe's global influence comes from its economic strength and openness. Today, this strength is weakened due to factors such as high energy bills, high regulatory burden and lengthy permitting procedures. The next EU leaders must tackle these issues while keeping Europe open to trade." 

President Fredrik Persson at our German member federation BDI's flagship event "Day of Industry - Cohesion in Polarized Worlds", on 24 June.

Latest papers

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25 June

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Priorities for the future of the EU state aid framework

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16 July
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26 July – 11 August
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