30 May 2024

Economic security: Striking the right balance
between security and competitiveness

Today we have published our position paper on a European Economic Security Strategy.
The new analysis underscores the need for a renewed partnership between the European Commission, Member States, and the private sector to ensure uniform rule and regulation application across the EU. As many of the EU's trading partners develop their own economic security strategies, it is crucial to promote coordination in areas of common interest. Director General Markus J. Beyrer said: “For us, the Strategy must be anchored in the principles of competitiveness and
openness. The protection of vital security interests must not be used as cover for disguised protectionism, and it must not endanger the integrity of the Single Market and the free movement of capital. To this end, the three pillars of the Strategy as proposed by the European Commission – Promote-Protect-Partner – should be given equal importance. It is also crucial that any initiatives and tools are precise, proportionate, and predictable, and designed to mitigate well-defined risks.”
Read our position paper

Reboot Europe: Company voices

Europe's industry urgently needs abundant and affordable energy! - Nick Keramidas, Executive Director EU Affairs & Regulatory Advocacy at Mytilineos, calls for an industrial crisis action plan.

Did you know?

Quote of the week

"Harmonised transposition and clear guidance for companies will be key for implementation of the new due diligence rules."

Director General Markus J. Beyrer reacting to the Council agreement finalising the adoption of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, 24 May 

Upcoming events

11-12 June
Reuters Event: Responsible Business Europe 2024

11-13 June
European Sustainable Energy Week
13-14 June
Prague European Summit

13-15 June
G7 Italy Summit
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