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The Guardian Today US
Deadly Helene batters Georgia after making landfall in Florida
Deadly Helene batters Georgia after making landfall in Florida
Storm continues to move inland over central Georgia as life-threatening winds and rains continue
Lebanon ceasefire hopes fade as Netanyahu issues contradictory statements
Harris decries Trump’s ‘proposals of surrender’ as Zelenskyy visits White House
Thousands of toxins from food packaging found in humans – research
Tesla home checks on workers on sick leave defended by boss in Germany
In focus
The US government-funded ‘private social network’ attacking pesticide critics
The US government-funded ‘private social network’ attacking pesticide critics
Network includes derogatory profiles of figures such as UN experts and food writer Michael Pollan, and is part of an effort to downplay pesticide dangers, records suggest
‘Fear and intimidation’  
How peaceful anti-pipeline protesters were hit with criminal and civil charges
The election office  
An embattled Pennsylvania election office faces criticism from both sides

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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We have never been more passionate about exposing the multiplying threats to our democracy and holding power to account in America. In the heat of a tumultuous presidential race, with the threat of a more extreme second Trump presidency looming, there is an urgent need for free, trustworthy journalism that foregrounds the stakes of November’s election for our country and planet.

Yet from Elon Musk to the Murdochs, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about what’s happening in the world. The Guardian is different. We have no billionaire owner or shareholders to consider. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest – not profit motives.

And we avoid the trap that befalls much US media: the tendency, born of a desire to please all sides, to engage in false equivalence in the name of neutrality. We always strive to be fair. But sometimes that means calling out the lies of powerful people and institutions – and making clear how misinformation and demagoguery can damage democracy.

From threats to election integrity, to the spiraling climate crisis, to complex foreign conflicts, our journalists contextualize, investigate and illuminate the critical stories of our time. As a global news organization with a robust US reporting staff, we’re able to provide a fresh, outsider perspective – one so often missing in the American media bubble.

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‘A temple of liberation’: behind the unwavering rise of the National Black Theatre
‘A temple of liberation’: behind the unwavering rise of the National Black Theatre
Created in 1968 and making groundbreaking strides, the organisation is looking to further expand
My dog is the ‘ugliest in the world’
You be the judge  
Should my girlfriend stop scrolling on her phone while we’re watching TV?
The Outrun review – Saoirse Ronan is mesmerising in sobering addiction drama
How Japan’s humble onigiri took over lunchtimes around the world
Forget open world adventures: Retro Bowl is so cute I want to cuddle it
The US cannot allow Israel to turn southern Lebanon into a second Gaza
The US cannot allow Israel to turn southern Lebanon into a second Gaza
The real victims of Olivia Nuzzi’s affair with RFK Jr are other female journalists
Cowboys limit tepid Giants to five field goals in 20-15 win
Cowboys limit tepid Giants to five field goals in 20-15 win
Caitlin Clark must keep condemning her toxic ‘fans’ projecting racism and hate
Lady Gaga  
Harlequin review – Joker companion album does jazz standards with a gaudy grin
Harlequin review – Joker companion album does jazz standards with a gaudy grin
Muriel’s Wedding at 30: why we still love this classic Australian film and its ‘terrible’ heroine
In case you missed it
How the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US
How the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US
Lobbyists and lawmakers have coordinated to enact new laws that increase criminal penalties for peaceful protests
‘Be a man and vote for a woman’: Kamala Harris’s unlikely edge in America’s masculinity election
Will the ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ message protect users’ posts from being used to train AI?
Rights and freedom  
Mexico’s ‘anti-monuments’ force country to remember its missing
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