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The Guardian Today US
Far-right conspiracies abound after second apparent Trump assassination attempt
Donald Trump  
Far-right conspiracies abound after second apparent Trump assassination attempt
Baseless theories about suspect Ryan Wesley Routh and his alleged ties to US military spread online after his arrest
Sean 'Diddy' Combs arrested in New York after federal indictment
US supreme court  
Samuel Alito and German rightwing aristocrat linked to US anti-abortion activist
Dominique Pélicot tells French trial: ‘I am a rapist,’ as he returns to dock
Middle East crisis live  
Business leaders warn Netanyahu against firing defense minister
In focus
‘Every time the planes pass, my eyes burn’: the hidden cost of Costa Rican bananas
Central America  
‘Every time the planes pass, my eyes burn’: the hidden cost of Costa Rican bananas
Pesticides banned in the EU are still used in the Central American country, affecting workers and ecosystems, all to meet the demand for ‘perfect’ fruit in the west
Democrats campaign carefully after apparent Trump assassination plot
US elections 2024  
Why Republicans are raising double the money in down-ballot races

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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Surgery, shame and self-erasure: four female writers on the tyranny of impossible beauty standards
Surgery, shame and self-erasure: four female writers on the tyranny of impossible beauty standards
How did Botox become so popular? And why are teenage girls using anti-wrinkle cream? As a new film, The Substance, considers our obsession with youth and good looks, writers reflect on how this has shaped their lives
‘Humanity is thriving!’: a street-level tour of the world
The age of extinction  
Stark before and after photographs reveal sharp decline of Norway’s seabirds
Sexual healing  
I haven’t had sex with my partner since his affair. We still share a bed – but I want more
The long read  
The cement company that paid millions to Isis: was Lafarge complicit in crimes against humanity?
Press freedom  
‘This is a big chance for all of us’: Germany’s freedom hotel where exiled journalists take refuge
There’s a danger that the US supreme court, not voters, picks the next president
There’s a danger that the US supreme court, not voters, picks the next president
Shōgun proves you don’t need dragons and bare bottoms for compelling drama
Kirk Cousins leads Falcons on last-gasp drive for comeback win over Eagles
Kirk Cousins leads Falcons on last-gasp drive for comeback win over Eagles
Jordan Chiles appeals to Swiss supreme court over stripping of Olympic bronze
Clawfoot review – Hollywood nepo babies do fine in horror-comedy bathed in gore
Clawfoot review – Hollywood nepo babies do fine in horror-comedy bathed in gore
Percival Everett and Rachel Kushner make the 2024 Booker prize shortlist
In case you missed it
Drug-resistant infections are on the rise – so why aren’t we getting any new antibiotics?
Drug-resistant infections are on the rise – so why aren’t we getting any new antibiotics?
World leaders will meet in New York this month to discuss growing antimicrobial resistance as researchers warn the development of replacement drugs is stalling
The Stakes  
How JD Vance's home town has won millions in climate investment that he calls a 'green scam'
From Truman Capote to feline firefighters – a day out at New York’s historical cat walking tour
Violence and instability have become a feature, not a bug, of US political life
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