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The Guardian Today US
Harris regains small poll lead post-debate as US election inches closer
US elections 2024  
Harris regains small poll lead post-debate as US election inches closer
Harris, believed to be the debate winner, establishes crucial advantage over Trump ahead of the race’s final stretch
Joe Biden dismisses Russian threats during meeting with UK PM
Kids using lotions have higher levels of hormone-disrupting toxins – study
Trailblazing ballerina Michaela Mabinty DePrince dies at 29
New Orleans Catholic church offers $62.5m after abuse victims seek $1bn
In focus
Israel’s prime target: the hunt for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar
Israel’s prime target: the hunt for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar
Motivated pursuers using advanced technology and brute force have yet to pin down their cautious quarry. Would his death or capture stop the war?
How the EU’s landmark Apple tax ruling gave Ireland €13bn it didn’t want
Elon Musk  
A day in Musk’s mind: 145 tweets with election conspiracies and emojis

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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The Harris campaign has seen a wave of celebrity support. But how helpful is it?
The Harris campaign has seen a wave of celebrity support. But how helpful is it?
Celebrities today are not just viewed as entertainers, but also an extension of a fan’s moral, social and political values
Prince Harry at 40: the difference a decade has made to the duke’s life
Life with a leveret  
I was addicted to a high-pressure job when a baby hare came into my life. How would raising it change me?
‘We can be violent to ourselves. Brutal’: Demi Moore on body image, reinvention and her most shocking role yet
Sally Rooney: ‘Falling in love when I was very young transformed my life’
This is how we do it: ‘We were quite amazed to find out what we could do to have fun’
The polling is in and Harris won the debate. But Democrats shouldn’t get cocky
The polling is in and Harris won the debate. But Democrats shouldn’t get cocky
Israel-Gaza war  
‘Many people would throw a tantrum at this point’: An Israeli and a Palestinian discuss 7 October, Gaza – and the future
Solheim Cup golf 2024: USA v Europe in day two foursomes – live
Solheim Cup golf 2024: USA v Europe in day two foursomes – live
Southampton v Manchester United: Premier League
Crime fiction  
‘I wanted to write a suburban Reacher’: Richard Osman talks to Lee Child about class, success and the secret to great crime writing
‘I wanted to write a suburban Reacher’: Richard Osman talks to Lee Child about class, success and the secret to great crime writing
Gemma Whelan looks back: ‘I was on an unconventional career path – and then came Game of Thrones’
In case you missed it
The princess and the judge: Samuel Alito’s ties to a German aristocrat who defends the far right
Samuel Alito  
The princess and the judge: Samuel Alito’s ties to a German aristocrat who defends the far right
The US supreme court justice accepted $900 concert tickets from billionaire Gloria von Thurn und Taxis. Who is the socialite linked to rightwing networks?
‘The game continues’: evacuating casualties and bombing bridges in Kursk
A mass shooting revealed their brutal living conditions. Will new housing ease these farmworkers’ trauma?
Ask Annalisa Barbieri  
My boyfriend gets angry if I make plans with friends or family – even though I include him
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