The latest news and opinion, plus the biggest stories from the Guardian
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The Guardian Today US
WikiLeaks founder hugs family and salutes supporters as he touches down in Canberra
Julian Assange release live  
WikiLeaks founder hugs family and salutes supporters as he touches down in Canberra
Judge says Australian-born activist can 'walk out and pursue your life as a free man'
Closed-door trial of US journalist Evan Gershkovich begins in Russia
Two US astronauts stranded in space on board Boeing’s Starliner capsule
LGBTQ+ rights  
Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
Women exposed to ‘forever chemicals’ may risk shorter breastfeeding duration
In focus
Relentless lobbying and a garden party ambush: how Australia pushed for Julian Assange’s freedom
Julian Assange  
Relentless lobbying and a garden party ambush: how Australia pushed for Julian Assange’s freedom
WikiLeaks founder’s release was culmination of years of behind-the-scenes diplomatic lobbying, which got a big boost when Albanese took office
EU braces for the nightmare scenario – a Eurosceptic France
Jay Slater family fear online ‘noise’ may impede Tenerife search mission

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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Why are Swifties and Charli xcx fans at war? I blame Big Tech
Why are Swifties and Charli xcx fans at war? I blame Big Tech
Our digital ecosystem thrives on division in everything from politics to pop. Devoted fanbases are one result - ready to unleash hell on haters
A moment that changed me  
I dived into the shadows of a shipwreck – and saw the 5ft turtle that altered everything
Land of Women review  
Eva Longoria’s new show makes the world feel a little bit nicer
‘It’s impossible to play for more than 30 minutes without feeling I’m about to die’: lawn-mowing games uncut
Poolman review – Chris Pine makes splash of totally wrong kind in shambolic stoner comedy
Build a hedgehog highway! 33 ways to welcome more wildlife into your garden
I’m worried about Biden’s debate with Trump this week
I’m worried about Biden’s debate with Trump this week
Silicon Valley wants unfettered control of the tech market. That’s why it’s cosying up to Trump
Race, celebrity and greatness: is Caitlin Clark v Angel Reese really the WNBA’s Magic v Bird?
Race, celebrity and greatness: is Caitlin Clark v Angel Reese really the WNBA’s Magic v Bird?
NBA draft  
The son also rises: what if Bronny James is the safest pick in the NBA draft?
Network review – terrific 1976 news satire is an anatomy of American discontent
Network review – terrific 1976 news satire is an anatomy of American discontent
Glastonbury 2024  
Shania Twain: I want to arrive for Glastonbury set on a horse
In case you missed it
Charlie Kirk once unified conservative youth for Trump. Why are Republicans now turning on him?
The election operators  
Charlie Kirk once unified conservative youth for Trump. Why are Republicans now turning on him?
Kirk’s non-profit, Turning Point Action, is planning a $100m ‘chase the vote’ operation to help propel the ex-president to the White House, but his outsized influence is being subjected to scrutiny
Conservative US lawmakers are pushing for an end to no-fault divorce
Anxious about money?  
Five financial therapists share their advice
Israel-Gaza war  
‘An incredible loss for Palestine’: Israeli offensive takes deadly toll on journalists
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