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The Guardian Today US
Middle East crisis
Israel’s defence minister hints at Lebanon ground invasion; Hezbollah deputy says group will fight on
Middle East crisis live  
Israel’s defence minister hints at Lebanon ground invasion; Hezbollah deputy says group will fight on
Deep intelligence penetration enabled Israel to kill Hassan Nasrallah
Israel strikes Lebanon and Yemen: what we know so far
Kamala Harris’s economic policy slate more popular than Trump’s – poll
Kamala Harris’s economic policy slate more popular than Trump’s – poll
Harris Poll for Guardian finds Democrat put forward four of top five most popular economic proposals
US elections 2024  
Top Republicans disavow Trump’s ‘mentally disabled’ attacks on Harris
EPA will withdraw approval of Chevron plastic-based fuels likely to cause cancer
Baby Reindeer was wrongly billed by Netflix as a ‘true story’, judge finds
Ron DeSantis accused of ‘intimidation campaign’ against abortion rights

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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I hope you appreciated this newsletter. Before you move on, I wanted to ask if you would consider supporting the Guardian’s journalism during one of the most consequential news cycles of our lifetimes.

We have never been more passionate about exposing the multiplying threats to our democracy and holding power to account in America. In the heat of a tumultuous presidential race, with the threat of a more extreme second Trump presidency looming, there is an urgent need for free, trustworthy journalism that foregrounds the stakes of November’s election for our country and planet.

Yet from Elon Musk to the Murdochs, a small number of billionaire owners have a powerful hold on so much of the information that reaches the public about what’s happening in the world. The Guardian is different. We have no billionaire owner or shareholders to consider. Our journalism is produced to serve the public interest – not profit motives.

And we avoid the trap that befalls much US media: the tendency, born of a desire to please all sides, to engage in false equivalence in the name of neutrality. We always strive to be fair. But sometimes that means calling out the lies of powerful people and institutions – and making clear how misinformation and demagoguery can damage democracy.

From threats to election integrity, to the spiraling climate crisis, to complex foreign conflicts, our journalists contextualize, investigate and illuminate the critical stories of our time. As a global news organization with a robust US reporting staff, we’re able to provide a fresh, outsider perspective – one so often missing in the American media bubble.

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If you can, please consider supporting us just once from $1, or better yet, support us every month with a little more. Thank you.

In focus
‘More Trump than Trump’: JD Vance becomes effective Maga messenger
JD Vance  
‘More Trump than Trump’: JD Vance becomes effective Maga messenger
After an inauspicious start, the Ohio senator has become a tribune for Trump’s biggest issues: immigration and the economy
US elections 2024  
‘Used as a pawn’: how the US election has poisoned Springfield, Ohio
In Las Vegas, housing could make or break the battle for the White House
The electrolytes boom: a wonder supplement – or an unnecessary expense?
The electrolytes boom: a wonder supplement – or an unnecessary expense?
Everyone from triathletes to YouTubers is singing the praises of the super-hydrating mineral additives. Here are the benefits and disadvantages
‘I’ve never worn trousers up a mountain and I never will’: a Bolivian cholita climber on sexism and her next summit
Amyl and the Sniffers take on the world: ‘If you don’t like us, then that’s on you’
Netflix hit crime drama rekindles debate over Menendez murders
The pet I'll never forget  
Brown Hen, the eggless hero who loved us – and outsmarted all her predators
A new start after 60  
I became a foster carer at 75 – and it has helped keep me young
With Gaza in ruins and Lebanon under siege, what defence remains for Israel’s actions?
With Gaza in ruins and Lebanon under siege, what defence remains for Israel’s actions?
Will Ferrell’s Netflix doc Will & Harper is flawed but vital viewing for cis people
Premier League  
10 talking points from the weekend’s action
10 talking points from the weekend’s action
‘If I want fun, I go to Disneyland’  
Brady hits back at Mayfield intensity jabs
John Ashton, Beverly Hills Cop actor, dies aged 76
John Ashton, Beverly Hills Cop actor, dies aged 76
Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story review – life story of America’s healthcare saviour
In case you missed it
‘Jesus Christ, is that the time already?’ The comedian on death, despair and his new book of drawings
Billy Connolly  
‘Jesus Christ, is that the time already?’ The comedian on death, despair and his new book of drawings
In The Accidental Artist, the comedian combines his quirky sketches with musings on life and, particularly, death
The Middle East in crisis  
7 October, the day that changed the world
The far right  
‘Moment of truth’ for Austria as populist FPÖ senses election triumph
10 chaotic questions  
St Vincent: ‘My most cringeworthy celebrity run-in? I’m sweating right now telling you about it’
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