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The Guardian Today US
Middle East crisis
Israel says it has killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in major escalation of conflict
Middle East crisis live  
Israel says it has killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in major escalation of conflict
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said Nasrallah ‘will no longer be able to terrorize the world’
Israel says it has killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah
Israel’s strike on Hezbollah leader is an alarming escalation in conflict
Harris stretches lead over Trump in what could be significant increase
Harris stretches lead over Trump in what could be significant increase
While election almost certain to be decided by swing states, pollsters explain why growth in national polls is meaningful
Hurricane Helene  
Dozens dead as Helene pummels south-eastern US
Los Angeles  
Viral Hollywood Hills mansion covered with graffiti closed down after arrests
Russia-Ukraine war live: Zelenskyy condemns Russian attack on hospital as death toll rises
Kyle Rittenhouse  
Kyle Rittenhouse texts pledging to ‘murder’ rioters disillusion his ex-spokesperson

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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In focus
Flying-Vs and longer wings: how the familiar shape of passenger planes is about to change
Aerospace industry  
Flying-Vs and longer wings: how the familiar shape of passenger planes is about to change
Urgent search for better fuel efficiency to cut emissions is driving radical innovation in aircraft design
The Stakes  
If Trump wins the election, US parks and wildlife will face a new age of mining
Hong Kong  
‘I was so naive’: 10 years after Umbrella protests, Hongkongers remember China’s crackdown
Effortless skill, mixed salads and a certain impatience with life: Michael Palin remembers Maggie Smith
Maggie Smith  
Effortless skill, mixed salads and a certain impatience with life: Michael Palin remembers Maggie Smith
Smith’s costar in two 80s comedies shares his memories of an actor blessed with an instinctive grasp of her craft
Malcolm Gladwell  
Beyond The Tipping Point: Malcolm Gladwell on Covid, Trump and what he got wrong
This is how we do it  
‘The sexual side of our lives has crashed and burned since my dementia diagnosis’
Peak luxury: how long can London’s grand hotel boom last?
‘Difficult from start to finish’: how Naomi Campbell’s fashion charity unravelled
Is The Substance brilliant feminist critique or a soulless mess?
It’s not just Trump v Harris: America’s men and women are also locked in battle now
It’s not just Trump v Harris: America’s men and women are also locked in battle now
Sri Lanka’s new president faces a problem shared by too many developing countries: austerity imposed by the west
MLB's biggest losers  
The 2024 Chicago White Sox: a team so historically bad they stopped tweeting results
The 2024 Chicago White Sox: a team so historically bad they stopped tweeting results
Newcastle United v Manchester City: Premier League – live
Tom Gauld on preparing for winter
Tom Gauld on preparing for winter
Nickel Boys review  
Colson Whitehead novel becomes intensely moving story of a racist reform school
In case you missed it
Who is Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader apparently targeted by Israel
Who is Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader apparently targeted by Israel
Conventional wisdom suggested he would resist triggering full-scale war but the ground appears to be shifting
Hostility at the UN will not trouble Netanyahu, but now he’s angered the US
US elections 2024  
‘She’s our vision of the future’: Black Nevadans rallying for Harris hope to make history
‘A temple of liberation’: behind the unwavering rise of the National Black Theatre
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