The latest news and opinion, plus the biggest stories from the Guardian
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The Guardian Today US
‘They miscalculated’: Gaza’s floating aid pier failing to deliver in rough seas
Israel-Gaza war  
‘They miscalculated’: Gaza’s floating aid pier failing to deliver in rough seas
The future of US military project costing $230m in question after weather and poor security prevent aid distribution
Trump's sledgehammer message to Philadelphia is light on facts, heavy on fear
Gun control  
Both sides of gun issue seek to stir up US voters as NRA influence wanes
Man survives being lost in mountains for 10 days by eating berries
South Carolina  
Husband of bride killed on wedding night awarded nearly $1m
In focus
Atlanta is center of US political universe once again with Biden-Trump debate
Atlanta is center of US political universe once again with Biden-Trump debate
Atlanta has extra significance this election cycle, between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris trying to court voters and Donald Trump’s Fulton county case
‘Mother of all battles’: French left join forces to beat far-right electoral threat
Zelenskiy calls for more military aid after strike on Kharkiv apartment block

Betsy Reed

Editor, Guardian US

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Why am I so angry when I’m with my mother?
Why am I so angry when I’m with my mother?
When you eventually experience her as a fully separate person from you, this will feel easier
The House of Beckham by Tom Bower review – a sex-obsessed hatchet job
What are ‘millennial socks’ and are they really a crime against fashion?
Fat acceptance  
New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves
‘The merry fellowship of bothies’: hiking in the Scottish Highlands
‘We’re really funny people’: Native American director Erica Tremblay on Lily Gladstone, laughter for survival and breaking Hollywood
The Observer view on Vladimir Putin’s reckless visit to Asia
The Observer view on Vladimir Putin’s reckless visit to Asia
The Middle East is drifting leaderless to catastrophe. War is just an airstrike away
Euro 2024 news live  
Security questions after pitch invaders get to Ronaldo
Security questions after pitch invaders get to Ronaldo
Copa América  
Everything you need to know about the USMNT
This much I know  
Dionne Warwick: ‘Britain has always been very good to me. I feel its wonderful embrace’
Dionne Warwick: ‘Britain has always been very good to me. I feel its wonderful embrace’
Marcel Proust  
The French rose from Manchester: in search of author's forgotten muse
In case you missed it
Carbon emissions from vans still rising as UK drivers cling to diesel
Carbon emissions from vans still rising as UK drivers cling to diesel
Costly new vehicles, limited choice and scarce charging points are holding back a switch to electric by businesses
‘News deserts’: if local newspapers are dying, will local democracy die with them?
‘War how it truly is’: Ukrainian director turns accidental footage into a film
Gun control  
Will ‘sigh of relief’ after US supreme court gun ruling be short-lived?
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