March 8, 2016
Heal Your Grief By Writing & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Heal Your Grief By Writing by Kathy Curtis - This 9 week course with author and workshop facilitator, Kathy Curtis, will guide you from where you are in your grief, through a cathartic process that leads to a sense of greater peace. Along the way you will discover many things, and in the end, the flow of ink from your pen to your loved one's spirit will forge a connection that can last forever. From the moment your life changed after the death of someone you loved with all your heart, you have had to make a confusing transformation from living a life that made sense, to one that didn't. With courage and faith, you've tried to recreate your life without that person. But if you haven't yet written to them since they! died, you're missing the opportunity to fill your heart back up with love and to connect with them in a different way than ever before. Writing about your loss is a powerful way to process what you've been through. Writing to the person whose loss you grieve takes the power of writing to a whole new level. This course will help you to capture the moments of loss that echo through your mind, soften painful memories, clear grief from your body and sense your loved one is near. more

Journal Your Way to a New Beginning by Tina Games - In this 10 week course with certified creativity and life purpose coach, Tina Games, you will be led to explore an area in your life (personal, professional or creative) where a new beginning is on the horizon, and to step into a bigger vision that honors the next evolution of who you are becoming. Where in your life are you ready for a fresh start or a recharge? What doors are closing so that new ones can open? The new moon phase always brings a time of new beginnings. It's an ideal time to clear your personal and professional space, disposing of any clutter and unwanted energies in order to manifest your deepest desires. By tapping in! to the wisdom of the moon phases - and through the art of journal writing, this course will gently lead you into your own "new moon beginning" with grace, ease and clarity. You will get clear on what needs to be released (or shifted) in order to make room for new ideas, thoughts, and possibilities, contemplate the journey from a variety of perspectives with a particular focus on what "feels" most authentic, and make decisions on which steps to take now. more

Discover Your Own Radical Creativity! by Alicia Dara - This 4 week course with professional creativity coach, Alicia Dara, is designed for beginning, intermediate, and professional creative people, as well as the creatively curious, who want to explore a new paradigm. When we think of our creativity, we most often think of the things we make. But our instinct to create is much more powerful than that! The products of our creativity represent a fraction of what our creative potential actually is. This course will teach you that living creatively is a spiritual practice, showing you that you can use your creative instincts, and the skills related to them, in every aspect of you! r life. You will learn how to bypass perfectionism and dig deep into your creative well using simple curiosity, find renewable sources of inspiration to keep your ideas flowing, identify companion skills that can assist your creative ones, and make the most of your time so you can create by learning how to re-frame your schedule to accommodate creative moments. This course can help you dig deep, create your highest work, and live your best life! more

Unlock Your Creativity with Spirituality by Doreen Marcial Poreba - In this 8 week course with Doreen Poreba, author and certified creativity coach, you will explore the relationship between creativity and spirituality while being guided to uncover, recover and discover your creative talents in a way that deepens your spirituality at the same time. You'll accomplish this through a series of creative explorations that include hands-on exercises, inspiring music, contemplation, daily observations, meditations, spiritual practices, and prayers that support your own unique expression of creativity. This course is for you whether you're feeling stuck or simply ready for expansion. You will learn to open yourself! to a world of wonder and curiosity, clear your physical, emotional and mental clutter, feel into your fears and release them, and look to your dreams for additional inspiration. Embark on this spiritual, creative journey and you will unearth gifts and abilities you didn't even know you possessed. By igniting your creativity through the practice of gratitude, you will see how you can live a purposeful, passionate life through your soul's creative desires. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
2. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
3. Make Yourself a Money Magnet
4. 21 Day Yoga Body!
5. Way of Story Writing Course
6. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
7. Manifest Your Soulmate
8. Shifting from Fear to Love
9. Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
10. Heal Your Money Karma

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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