March 29, 2016
Heal Yourself with Writing & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Heal Yourself with Writing by Catherine Ann Jones - In this 8 week course with author and teacher, Catherine Ann Jones, you will be engaged in exercises designed to facilitate healing and transformation. What story are you living? How do you choose to remember your story? Telling stories about your past through focused journaling can help change your perspective to enable healing and empowerment. In this way, you are able to make meaning out of memory and put the past where it belongs behind you. Healing and transformation are only possible through changing ones perspective from within. This course will assist you in re-visioning your life, in integrating opposites, and in discovering y! our own personal myth. By looking back you will grow forward, putting together the pieces of your past in a new way. Through the focused journaling exercises in this course, you will rewrite your life story so that pain becomes meaningful and actually promotes growth and transformation. more

The 12 Keys to Creativity by Eric Maisel - In this 6 week course with Americas foremost creativity coach, Eric Maisel, you will finally gain clarity on what it takes to create regularly and deeply. You know that you want to create. You also know how often you stall, block and give up. What's getting in the way? Is it really that you don't have enough time? Is it just a question of discipline? Or is something else going on--something that you can't pinpoint? This class explores the real issues facing you: twelve crucial issues confronting every creative person. If you were suddenly handed enough time and all the energy in the world, you would still have to master these issues in order to get your! creating done. Through this course you will learn about the challenges facing EVERY creative person, what procrastination and creative blockage really mean, and how to take better care of your creative work and yourself! It's not about time, energy, talent or discipline--those aren't the real issues! With this class you will finally get a clear picture of what's standing between you and the creative work you long to do--and how to get moving forward now! more

21 Day Writing Meditation by Lissa Cowan - Through this 21 day course with author, Lissa Cowan, you will learn how to deepen your attention and create a space for your writing by engaging in daily sitting, writing and listening. Writing meditation can be a powerful way to bring the active mind in closer alignment with the mind of meditation. This course will help you develop tools and insights for overcoming habitual mind states, and self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. After about only one week you will feel yourself opening up to others and to your creativity and imagination. Each day you will be introduced to one concept or theme that allows you to confront any doubts or judgements about yourself, and to o! vercome obstacles to happiness and self-awareness. You will be amazed at how a daily writing meditation practice helps you to know and trust yourself more and become more compassionate toward others. You will bring more creativity into your life, heal past trauma, become more self-confident and trusting of yourself, and unleash ideas that will help you become a better, more intuitive writer. more

How to Publish Your eBook by Madisen Harper - This 15 week course with author and business consultant, Madisen Harper, teaches you how to research, write, create, publish and market an eBook and is supplemented with six instructional videos. Thousands of people with inspiring, healing and touching stories are eager to share their teachings, but are challenged to find a method that effectively communicates their work worldwide. The realm of eBooks (electronic books read on eReaders such as Amazon's Kindle and Apple's iPad) offers an easy, cost effective, fast solution for teachers, healers and writers to share their message globally. Even if youre new to the eBook world and never used this for! mat before, you will learn the process in easy-to-understand steps. You will learn how to understand the needs of your reader, to turn your passions into inspirational topics that make a difference and to cost effectively promote your eBook. Join the eBook evolution - communicating and publishing your message is easier than you think. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
2. 21 Day Yoga Body!
3. Chakras Made Easy
4. Falling in Love with Yourself
5. Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life
6. Way of Story Writing Course
7. Animal Communication Made Easy
8. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
9. Learn the Practice of Channeled Writing
10. Break the Grip of Past Lovers

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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