Thank you for subscribing to my weekly e-newsletter, and please remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Health Care As many of you know, the Senate is currently working on a draft of the Better Care Reconciliation Act. The most up to date draft can be read here. We will continue working throughout the week on building a health care system that will sustain itself for decades and provide access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans. Please continue to share your thoughts with me here. Graduate Student Savings Act I introduced the bipartisan Graduate Student Savings Act, which would allow funds from a graduate student's stipend or fellowship to be deposited into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). While fellowship or stipend funding currently is taxed as income by federal and state governments, it does not qualify as "compensation" and so cannot be saved in an IRA. Encouraging both educational progress and retirement savings is a win-win. I'm glad to join a bipartisan group of Senators in this effort to make a commonsense adjustment to our tax code. New FEMA Administrator I voted in support of Mr. Brock Long to serve as our next FEMA Administrator. He was confirmed 95-4. He is an expert in his field who possesses more than 16 years of experience in emergency management at the local, state, and federal levels. Mr. Long can step right in, hit the ground running, and help our state and nation plan, prepare and respond to future natural disasters. National Selfie Day With Interns Last week, I celebrated #NationalSelfieDay with my 2nd batch of summer interns! My interns continue to amaze me with their talent and determination to serve the constituents of South Carolina. Sincerely, Tim |