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6 years ago, on March 23, the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) became law. Its supporters promised that it would lower costs and create universal access to insurance coverage.

Has the ACA lived up to its promises?

Mercatus Affiliated Senior Scholar Antony Davies says the Affordable Care Act took an expensive and low-competition industry (health care) and put it under the control of an even more expensive and even less competitive organization (government). Costs went up, but access stayed down across America.

How about for you? Did Obamacare get you covered or not? Have your health care bills gone up or down?

Check out the new video and let us know in the comments: Affordable Care Act Promises vs Realities

We’ll also be holding a livestream tomorrow at 3:00pm (EST) on our Facebook page with Dr. Robert Graboyes. How do we fix the current problems in our health care system to create better care for more people at lower costs? Check out his video on innovation in health care, take the Twitter poll, and be sure to tune in to ask your questions about the economics of health care!

Do you want to learn more about what’s really happening in health care today? Check out new and classic Learn Liberty videos on www.LearnLiberty.org/health-care.

Your friends at Learn Liberty


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