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Wednesday, December 2, 2020


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Home Health

Health officials making final decisions on initial vaccine distribution
As states are fleshing out their COVID-19 vaccination plans, a committee advising the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on vaccines will hold an emergency meeting Tuesday, Dec. 1. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is tasked with advising the CDC on coronavirus vaccine distribution, reports CNN, including who should get the vaccine and …

Skilled Nursing Facility

CMS expands telehealth coverage for Medicare beneficiaries
CMS released the annual Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule on December 1, expanding telehealth service coverage to Medicare beneficiaries. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 15,000 fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries received telehealth services. As of mid-October, 24.5 million out of 63 million Medicare beneficiaries have now received some telehealth services. The final rule adds 60 telehealth …

Featured Podcast

Keeping SNF residents engaged during COVID-19
Note: The following podcast was first aired on June 18, 2020. Social distancing due to COVID-19 has been rough on many SNF residents, but there are several ways to keep residents engaged. Join us as we discuss ways to keep residents social and engaged while maintaining COVID-19 safety precautions. With us today is Stefanie Corbett. …

Most Read Articles


Coronavirus fears at work: What employers need to know to stay protected

What SNFs need to be doing right now to deal with COVID-19

CMS releases Five Star Quality Rating updates and FAQ for SNFs


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