July 23, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

Doesn't exactly feel like all's well with the world, but at least most things went up this week, perhaps that will soothe some worried souls out there in Gumshoedom -- heck, even gold went up, joining growth stocks in celebrating a little hope that interest rates might stop rising one of these days.  

So where might one get promises of wealth now?  Well, the newsletters will always oblige... and we'll keep looking into their "secret" stocks.  This week we started with a look at Alexander Green's three "must-own insider buy" stocks, if you missed that just click below to...

Investors have already lost $20 trillion this year, but it's time to prepare for those losses to get much worse. Experts say a 70% crash is possible, sending the Dow to 10,000 for the first time in a decade. Would your finances survive? There's one step you can take TODAY. Click here to learn more.


As for the rest of the week?  Have no fear, we'll catch you up...

We updated our look at Christian DeHaemer's little semiconductor stock, after a new version of the pitch connected it to Nancy Pelosis' insider trades.  That story is here.

Doc Gumshoe dug into some Alzheimier's Disease hopefuls for us, most of which are still tiny little companies -- his latest is here.

And I spent a long time digging through Dr. David Eifrig's spiel about the "Health care singularity" -- he has seven secret "forever" stocks and some more speculative ideas for us, and the Thinkolator reveal on those is here.

Yet another EV stock being teased, this time by Enrique Abeyta... but this one's got a little twist, click here for my take on the story.

And to close it out for the week, I covered a hodgepodge of topics for our Irregulars in the Friday File, and also have two trades to report... we saw earnings from Crown Castle and Intuitive Surgical, some ad biz news, a little mining info and another teaser solution, as well as my thoughts about Paul Mampilly's departure from Banyan Hill, which a lot of folks asked about this week... just click below for that.  

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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