NEWS: National health expenditure growth is expected to average 5.5% annually through 2027, reaching nearly $6 trillion and consuming nearly 20% of the economy by then, according to the latest projections issued Wednesday afternoon by federal actuaries.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

NEWS: National Health Spending Expected to Reach 19.4% of U.S. GDP by 2027

National health expenditure growth is expected to average 5.5% annually through 2027, reaching nearly $6 trillion and consuming nearly 20% of the economy by then, according to the latest projections issued Wednesday afternoon by federal actuaries.

Health spending growth is projected to outpace projected Gross Domestic Product growth by 0.8 percentage points over the coming decade.
The actuaries project that healthcare's share of the GDP will rise from 17.9% in 2017 to 19.4% by 2027.
An aging demographic, a hot economy driving a tight job market, and increases in the costs of medical goods and services are key reasons for spending growth.

The projections were issued by the independent Office of the Actuary at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and published in Health Affairs. Read the full story...


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