Dear Reader,
Unlike all the other organs of the body, our minds have no natural system for getting rid of waste. Hurt piles up as open files and black holes. Gratitude for what is right, compassion for suffering, accepting imperfections and focusing on life’s higher meaning can all soften life’s hurts. But there’s one cure that can dissolve all hurt for good: forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a voluntary choice. It means that you choose to give up anger and resentment despite knowing and accepting that the misconduct happened. Forgiveness is choosing the higher path and leading a more thoughtful life driven by your principles.
Meaning in forgiveness Anger, holding a grudge and hostility can all lead to anxiety, depression, irritability, disturbed sleep, high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm and a higher risk of heart attack.
Forgiveness, on the other hand, has many benefits. By forgiving, you enjoy improved health, save energy, have better relationships and set an example for others, particularly children. |