Social engineering scam targets Indian call center

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CSO After Dark

Apr 24, 2017
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Healthcare records for sale on Dark Web

A clinic in Baltimore is just one example of a healthcare provider having its records stolen, only to find them on the Dark Web for less than one cent per record. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Social engineering scam targets Indian call center
Get 20% off BeatsX Wireless In-Ear Headphones - Deal Alert
Are we ready to bid the SIEM farewell?
10 interview questions for hiring cloud-literate security staff
Cybersecurity industry braces for tighter visa rules
What's in the fine print of your disaster recovery vendor agreement?
Phishing attacks using internationalized domains are hard to block

White Paper: Cylance

251% ROI Achieved by Preventing Cyber Attacks

Forrester Consulting conducted a Total Economic Impact study to examine the potential ROI enterprises may realize by deploying CylancePROTECT and ThreatZero. The study provides readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact Cylance can have on their organization. (Source Forrester) Read More

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Social engineering scam targets Indian call center

Call centers in foreign countries can be at times ripe for social engineering. Most operators are supposed to stick to a script. Find out what happened when the operator left that script. Read More

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Get 20% off BeatsX Wireless In-Ear Headphones - Deal Alert

BeatsX wireless in-ear headphones are currently discounted 20% on Amazon. BeatsX features Fast Fuel charging (5 mins of charge = 2 mins of playback), multiple tips for a personalized fit, and seamless setup & connection with your iOS devices via class 1 Bluetooth. Read More

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Are we ready to bid the SIEM farewell?

SIEM technology is old, and possibly not properly configured making it vulnerable to attacks. Read More

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10 interview questions for hiring cloud-literate security staff

The answers will paint a picture of whether this candidate understands cloud security. Read More

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Cybersecurity industry braces for tighter visa rules

The current climate surrounding visas, immigrants and international travel will change the way some tech companies operate, and may harm US cybersecurity -- but there is also a chance that it will inspire more Americans to enter the profession. Read More

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What's in the fine print of your disaster recovery vendor agreement?

Make sure these points are in your service-level agreements with DRaaS vendorsWhen considering DRaaS vendors, ask your potential partner how far they are willing to go in protecting your business and your data, and if these promises will be reimbursable if not met. Bluelock's Brandon Jeffress reviews what is essential to be in an ironclad SLA. Read More

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Phishing attacks using internationalized domains are hard to block

The latest version of Google Chrome restricts how domain names that use non-Latin characters are displayed in the browser in response to a recently disclosed technique that could allow attackers to create highly credible phishing websites. Read More

Research/Infographic: LookingPoint | Cisco

5 Must-Haves For The Digital Workplace

Digital collaboration is supposed to make work easier, right? But if the tools that are supposed to make working together simple don't actually boost productivity and efficiency, what's the point? View this infographic and read the top 5 things every Digital Workplace needs for today's connected world. Read More

Top 5 Stories

1. Can you spot the phish?
2. 10 interview questions for hiring cloud-literate security staff
3. Are we ready to bid the SIEM farewell?
4. Cybersecurity industry braces for tighter visa rules
5. IBM’s security business up 10 percent, powered by Watson

Editor's Picks

1. 15 hot, new security and privacy apps for Android and iOS
2. How to get creative with your penetration testing
3. 5 security bolstering strategies that won't break the bank
4. What's wrong with this picture? The NEW clean desk test
5. Inside an attack by the Syrian Electronic Army
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