During this Season of Giving,
Help Us DOUBLE the Eco-Grants
We Award to Student Environmentalists

You + Our Students = Exponential Eco-Impact!

As you know, we award our most impactful student teams with Eco-Grants of $250 to $1,000 to expand the impact of their environmental projects. The importance of these Eco-Grants can't be overstated! In addition to expanding their projects' reach, these funds...

  • Inspire students to continue pursuing their dreams for a cleaner and greener environment
  • Serve as a key motivator throughout the year to complete our program
  • Teach our students that hard work and dedication deserve a reward
  • Ensure our most active teams stay involved with Grades of Green
  • Provide a powerful incentive to recruit new students

We need your help to double the amount of Eco-Grants and stipends we provide to our students and teachers. 

Help Us Reach Our $30,000 Goal!

Now is the Time to Donate - Before 2021 is Over!

Take advantage of the 2020 coronavirus relief laws which allow nearly 90% of filers to deduct their 2021 donations!

Did you know?
"...Under a coronavirus relief law enacted in December 2020, taxpayers who claim the standard deduction can take a deduction for charitable contributions made in 2021. Single filers can deduct up to $300 in donations and married couples can deduct up to $600 on the 2021 tax returns that taxpayers will file early next year...." - Read the full article here
As always, check with your accountant before acting on any information or advice! 

Donate Before the End of the Year!

But Don't Take Our Word For It!
Hear from our Students...

We asked our students to put together the following video to showcase the powerful impact that our Eco-Grants have on our students' environmental aspirations and their communities.

Explore our gallery of nine student videos highlighting our Eco-Grant winners and how your support can expand their impact. Below are just a few of these inspiring clips!

Meet Max from
Weston, Massachusetts 

Rookie of the Year Award
$500 Eco-Grant


Eco-Leader Max and the Weston High School team received the Rookie of the Year Award for inspiring their town to help them collect over 900 pounds of plastic bags to turn into a bench for their community!

Meet Halima from Mombasa, Kenya 

Most Dynamic Team Award
$250 Eco-Grant

The Most Dynamic Team Awardees, Eco-Leader Halima and the Kishoka Youth Organization, have successfully hosted interactive events to get their community to take on environmental issues. This included a bike-riding event and replanting mangrove forests!  

Meet Sam from Manhattan Beach, CA 

Green Influencers Award
$500 Eco-Grant


Eco-Leader Sam Torres and her team launched their viral social media campaign, “South Bay Meatless Mondays.” They inspired their community to improve the environmental impact of their diet through partnerships with sustainable, local businesses.  

Help us DOUBLE the number of Eco-Grants we provide to students like these!

Donate Today
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