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Chicken Soup for the Soul
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Adopting a Positive Power Attitude Can Change Everything

The Joy of Christmas Giving

Sometimes It's the People You Know Who Have the Best Advice


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Heaven Sent
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: What I Learned from the Dog
By Kathleen Lumbert

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
~Ben Williams

When my friend Louise showed up at my door, her hands firmly planted on her ample hips, she let me know in no uncertain terms that my hermit days were over, at least for a weekend.

In a tone that left no room for objection, she said she would be picking me up next Saturday morning, nine o'clock sharp, and informed me I would be joining her in house-sitting for her boss, making it quite clear that she'd take care of the house and the dog, a Dalmatian named Lucy. All I would be required to do was accompany her and swim, relax, and enjoy the beautiful scenery as I saw fit. (Keep reading)

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“Going From Broke” Debuts on Crackle!

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Watch Going From Broke, a new show from Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment and Executive Producer Ashton Kutcher, that takes a hard look at the nation's student-loan crisis and shows millennials how to dig themselves out of debt. All ten episode are now available to watch on Crackle. And it's free!

Chicken Soup for the Soul Pets

What a night! Congratulations to Alice, the five-year-old German Shepherd, named the American Humane's 2019 Hero Dog! Alice serves as a lifeline to 13-year-old Antonio, who was severely injured back in 2015. Click here for more information on this amazing pair!


Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive, Live Happy — Change your thoughts and you'll change your world!

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101 stories about creating your best life.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Angels All Around — You just need to open your eyes

Chicken Soup for the Soul book cover image

101 stories of miracles, divine intervention, and answered prayers.

Chicken Soup for the Soul books

Ever dream about writing a Chicken Soup for the Soul story? Click here to see what we are working on and submit your story today!

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