TokyoDex News 2018 September

This&That Café Vol.39『夏の思い出』


さて、毎回大好評のイベント、This&That Cafeがついに、3ヶ月の休暇を経てSuperDeluxeに再来します。夏の暑さが残る今日、冷えた一杯を最後にもう一度、友人たちと堪能しませんか。
今回の#TnTCafeではユニークなギター演奏スタイルの「Ryo Sean Okada」によるパフォーマンスから、ペインティングx音楽xプロジェクションマッピングユニットの「Curito」によるショー等、刺激的で幅広いラインナップを揃えています。さらに当日はライブアートとイタリア・ボローニャから来るスペシャルDJによるパフォーマンスが加わり、音楽とアートを融合させた見逃す事のできない夜となるでしょう!

After a three-month respite, This&That Café makes its long-awaited return to SuperDeluxe just in time to share a few more cold drinks with friends in the lingering summer heat. As always, #TnTCafe boasts a stellar and eclectic line-up, with performances ranging from the unique guitar stylings of Ryo Sean Okada, to painting x music x projection mapping unit Curito, just to name a few. Add live-painting and a special guest DJ all the way from Bologna, Italy, and you have an incredible interdisciplinary evening of art and music you simply won't want to miss!
Watch the video of the last TnTCafe
Midas Office Mural

TokyoDexはミダスのオフィスがそこで働く人の想像力を掻き立て、クリエイティビティが溢れる空間になるよう、 JONJON GREEN柏原晋平Mariya Suzuki の3人のアーティストとともに彩りました。アーティストそれぞれの個性が発揮され、各エリアごとに異なる雰囲気が演出されています。

Midas is an interior design company whose headquarters is based in Tsukiji, Tokyo. TokyoDex brought artists JONJON GREEN, Shinpei Kashihara, and Mariya Suzuki to MIDAS to transform their head office into a space that overflows with creativity and could capture the imagination of the many creative people who work there. The three distinct styles of the artists were demonstrated in different areas of the space, creating different atmospheres within the same office.


At TokyoDex, when we create artwork, we usually collaborate with some of the many talented members of the art community in Japan. But once in a while we dust off our paint brushes and do the work in-house. So it was for this Johnnie Walker project at Fuji Rock Festival'18. Designed by our very own Mameko the TokyoDex team spent three days in Naeba painting the original Striding Man.

Click here to watch the video.
Cater Group Office Art Installation

マーケティングリサーチ会社のCarter Groupから独自性のある受付制作の依頼を受け、柏原晋平とともにオフィスを飾る屏風・掛け軸・オリジナル折り紙のインスタレーションを制作しました。
完成した作品は日本に拠点を置くグローバル企業、Carter Groupそのものを反映する、東洋と西洋の文化が混在したものに仕上がりました。エレベーターのドアが開いた瞬間にイメージキャラクターであるCarter Girlと柏原晋平が描いた美しい桜吹雪が東京の街並みともにに来訪者を迎えます。オフィスの様子は、こちらからご覧ください。

When marketing research company "Carter Group" asked us to help transform their reception area, we brought in artist Shinpei Kashihara to create hand-painted "byoubu" (folding screens) and ”kakejiku"(hanging scroll). The finished works were the perfect combination of east and west for this global-facing company based in Japan. As guests step off of the elevator, they are greeted by Carter Girl, Carter Group’s cultural ambassador, and Shinpei Kashihara’s beautiful sakura (cherry blossoms) along with a Tokyo cityscape.

Take a look at the gracefully adorned office here. 



That’s all for now, if you haven't already, please take this opportunity to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all of the latest news on our events and new projects.
Thanks always for your support and hope to see you all soon!
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