“Every time you pass a cemetery, it’s time for a little prayer: ‘Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.’ It’s just common sense that you help some of them get out of Purgatory.”


—Mother Angelica



Dear John,


When our loved ones die, we naturally want to honor them with flowers, a funeral Mass, and kind words. But the best present we can give them is to pray that they might be released from Purgatory.


This is why, today, we are asking that you give us the names of those who have died so that we can pray for them. Often, churches will pray for deceased parishioners during November. In the same way, we want to provide you, our EWTN Family, with the opportunity for us to remember and pray for the repose of the souls of your loved ones. Remembering all of these men and women who have gone before us, “marked with the sign of faith,” helps us better understand and appreciate our faith in Christ who conquers sin and death and brings new life to all.


Please visit our prayer request page ewtn.com/prayer. Then give us the names of those who have died and ask for memorial prayers in the comment box. Once we receive these names, the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word will pray throughout the month of November that your loved ones will be released from Purgatory.


At EWTN, we proclaim the teachings of the Church, such as Purgatory and indulgences, every day of the year. And with your gift today, we can continue to encourage people to pray for the souls of the faithful departed.


With your support, you will help tell the world about the saints, the sacraments, and Scripture. You will help proclaim Catholic beliefs and the reasons for our deep faith. Most importantly, you will help people to grow in a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.


This is why we ask that you please consider a gift today: ewtn.com/allsoulsgift. Your donation today will share the beauty and Truth of the Gospel with people around the world.


Thank you for being part of our EWTN Family. May God bless you and your loved ones.


Sincerely in Christ,


Your EWTN Family


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