It isn’t easy championing the environment when powerful forces like Big Ag are breathing down your neck.
Dear Friend,
The leader of the California Senate, Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, is carrying what may be the most important environmental bill facing the legislature this summer, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1).

Special interests that have long attacked the Endangered Species Act are now attacking the bill. 
The California condor 
California Condor
Take Action

Help Senator Atkins stay strong. Thank her for SB 1 and urge her to keep important endangered species protections in the bill. 

SB 1 would ensure that as the Trump Administration continues to roll back federal environmental protections, California’s own environmental laws⁠—the California Endangered Species Act, the California Clean Air Act, and major state water laws⁠—would be strengthened to make sure we don’t lose the protections that the federal laws have provided.

This bill has lately become especially important. This week the Trump Administration revealed a plan tosignificantly weaken the federal Endangered Species Act.

For decades, certain special interests in California, including corporate agriculture, water agencies that serve agriculture, and the oil industry, have been trying to weaken the federal Endangered Species Act. Now they have piled on to try to trip up Atkins’ SB 1.

Urge Senator Atkins to fight back hard and protect her SB 1, especially the part that will protect endangered species from the Trump Administration’s misguided proposals.

It isn’t easy championing the environment when powerful forces like Big Ag are breathing down your neck. Let Senator Atkins know you’ve got her back.

Thanks for your help.

Kathryn Phillips
Kathryn Phillips

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