Fast-track your outpatient CDI efforts by effectively onboarding new staff


Your new hires will need orientation, training, and help understanding the core skills of a CDI professional—in addition to specialized training on outpatient coding, billing, and record reviews

With The Outpatient CDI Specialist’s Complete Training Guide, you won't have to worry about creating training materials from scratch.

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The Outpatient CDI Specialist’s Complete Training Guide serves as a bridge between your new CDI specialists’ first day on the job and their first effective steps reviewing physician practice records. This book is the perfect resource for CDI program managers to help new CDI professionals understand their roles and responsibilities.

Sample training timelines and "Test-your-knowledge" questions to reinforce key concepts


Case study examples to illustrate essential CDI elements, Suggestions for training staff and guidance for manual use, and Keys to training your CDI staff quicker

Documentation challenges associated with common diagnoses such as sepsis, pneumonia, and COPD


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