Don’t let special interests rewrite California’s renewable energy law.
Sierra Club California
Dear Friend,

The California Senate is at risk of passing a bill that will weaken SB 100, California’s 100 percent clean energy law that we passed last year. 
Vote NO on SB 386

Senate Bill 386 (Caballero) will jeopardize our clean energy goals by giving an exemption to count hydropower from dams as renewable energy. Help stop this bad bill now.

Hydropower from dams has been excluded from the state definition for renewables specifically because developing and using that power creates environmental harms to waterways and fish and wildlife. But dam builders and owners have been trying for more than a decade to change the definition so that they are more attractive to electricity providers and customers.

Two irrigation districts that run large hydroelectric generators on rivers that flow from the Sierra Nevada are now trying to get their dam power counted as renewable so they won’t have to include true renewables in their power sources over the next decade.

Don’t let these special interests rewrite California’s renewable energy law. Call your senator now to urge a NO vote on SB 386.

The bill could be voted on as soon as tomorrow. Your state senator has the power to stop SB 386 on the Senate floor. Urge that your senator do just that.

If these irrigation districts are given an exemption to count hydropower from dams, against their renewable portfolio standard obligation to procure 60 percent renewable energy by 2030 then they will keep dragging their feet and never procure new renewable energy. 

SB 386 sets a very dangerous precedent -- it won’t be long before every large hydropower owner demands the same exemption. 

Call your senator today to oppose SB 386.

You can say: "My name is _______ and I'm a constituent. I'm calling to urge my senator to oppose SB 386 and stop it on the Senate floor. The bill would effectively gut the renewable energy goals set forth in SB 100 by allowing large hydro dams for our renewable standard. California must continue to be a leader in clean energy, not undermine its own progress. Thank you!"

If you do not get an answer, leave a message. Every call counts!

Thank you for taking action.

Thanks for your help on this important issue.

Lauren Cullum
Lauren Cullum
Policy Advocate


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