Dear WSWS readers, The World Socialist Web Site is currently in West Virginia, providing daily coverage of the ongoing strike by more than 30,000 teachers and public employees, including live video on our Facebook Page. The teachers' strike is a major national and international event. Teachers have taken a courageous stand in defense of their own interests, the interests of their students, and the interests of the entire working class. They have continued their struggle in defiance of a back-to-work order from the unions, which are working with Democrats and Republicans to try to shut down the strike and impose a defeat. The reporting by the WSWS has been absolutely unique. Not only have we written more extensively on the struggle than any other publication, but the WSWS has been alone in warning about the role played by the unions and the Democratic Party. Our analysis has been completely confirmed by events. We need your financial support to continue and expand this work. A donation of $25 today will help us: Finance accommodations for our reporting team currently in West Virginia Promote articles online to reach thousands of West Virginia teachers and public school employees Print statements and articles for distribution in West Virginia, throughout the US, and internationally Please make a generous donation to the WSWS today. We have no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. We depend entirely on the support of our readers. Sincerely, The World Socialist Web Site Donate Today |