Curiosity is a mercurial quality, which rises and falls throughout our life, depending on what we're doing, where we are, and who we're with. Curiosity starts with the itch to explore and then grows into an instinct for inquiry. One of the programs I'm most proud of is that of our Explorers-in-Residence. These explorers frequently demonstrate courage, resilience, and determination, and in the process, spark a sense of wonder and curiosity about our country. Today the Society has seven Explorers-in-Residence who work as visible modern-day role models for exploration, scientific discoveries, and adventure travel. They also help carry out fieldwork supported by the Society and develop and deliver educational programming in classrooms around the country, inspiring the next generation of curious youth to care about, and for, Canada.
"No doubt many of those young kids dream - the same dream I had once. When you donate to the Society, you are not only helping those dreams become real, you are helping lay the foundation for Canada's next generation of explorers, scientists, researchers, geographers, storytellers, and environmental leaders." Adam Shoalts, Westaway Explorer-in-Residence |