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Dear customer,

If you need to complete a Self Assessment tax return, we’re here to give you any extra support you need. 

If you’ve already sent us your tax return and made a payment – thank you.

However, if you’d like more help, register for our live webinars – during which you have the opportunity to ask questions using the on-screen text box.

How to fill in your Self Assessment tax return if you’re self-employed
We’ll be looking at:
starting your tax return
a brief overview of the employment section
the self-employment section of your tax return
other income to tell us about
Register here

Record keeping for the self-employed
This webinar will provide:

an overview of record keeping, and the importance of keeping good records
unfamiliar terms
information to record and using records to work out taxable profits
records where there is business and private use 
Register here

Capital allowances for the self-employed
During this webinar find out about:

annual investment allowance
first year allowances
writing down allowances
record keeping
Register here

How to finish your Self Assessment tax return, your tax calculation and payments
This webinar helps you with:

finishing your tax return, including underpaid tax and other debts in your tax code and what to do if you’ve paid too much tax
understanding, viewing and printing your tax calculation
submitting your tax return
paying any tax you owe and what to do if you’ve made a mistake
Register here

You can also choose from a selection of short videos on the following playlists – available on HMRC’s YouTube channel:

Self-employment tax return
Your Self Assessment tax bill

We’ll keep sending you reminder emails until you file your return but, you can opt out of Self Assessment help and support emails for this year.

Yours faithfully
HM Revenue and Customs
Stay safe online
For more information, please search 'avoid and report internet scams and phishing' on GOV​.UK.

HMRC app
You can download the HMRC app on your mobile to get information about your tax, income, tax codes, National Insurance and any benefits paid by HMRC.
Find out what the app can do and how to download it on GOV‌‌‌.UK.

HMRC’s help and support email service
To make changes to your topic subscriptions or to unsubscribe please go to our email portal or click on the link below. Please note, by unsubscribing from this service you may continue to receive emails from other HMRC services.