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Here's How You Can Demand Justice For George Floyd And Black Lives Right Now
There are so many ways to get involved. Read More
How To Talk To Your Kids About Racial Inequality And Social Injustice
It's not easy, but it's important. Read More
Why You Need to Stop Saying "All Lives Matter"
Let me be clear: stating that black lives matter doesn't insinuate that other lives don't. Read More
George Floyd Could Have Been My Brother
This is America in 2020: every time my brothers leave the house I have to worry if they will come home at all. Read More
'I Got Rhabodomyolysis From A Kettlebell Workout Even Though I'm An Experienced Exerciser'
There’s a difference between pushing yourself and overdoing it. Read More
"COVID-19 Is Even Deadlier If You're Black, And I Want To Change That"
"The novel coronavirus pandemic is uncovering many of the systemic failures in our healthcare system that have persisted for generations." Read More
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