Plus, the fight for paid family leave, and more…
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April 24, 2023
The End of Trans America Comes Into Focus
The laws proposed around the country by Republicans would make life for transgender people functionally impossible. The danger is in being under-wrought, not overwrought.
by Brynn Tannehill
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Gee, how come we don’t see liberal media outlets paying huge settlements in defamation lawsuits?
by Michael Tomasky
A new bipartisan task force is taking a run at finally delivering paid family leave.
by Grace Segers
A writer of haunting, uncategorizable songs, she once seemed poised for runaway fame. But only decades after she disappeared has her music found an audience.
by Jeremy Lybarger
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The party needs a clear hold on power in Washington to deliver big economic boons to the American people. To do that, they need to make a big promise to voters.
by Michael Tomasky
From The Ticker:
Elon Musk’s big idea to save Twitter revenue is falling flat on its face.
by Tori Otten
A new report finds that New York City shootings and murders are down, despite Republicans’ best attempts to portray it as a crime haven.
by Prem Thakker



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