This 1979 John Deere 4440 with 4,533 hours and 1981 John Deere 8440 with 5,625 hours sold for strong prices at a Jan. 28 farm auction. In fact, the 4440 sold for the 9th highest auction price ever. Here's a video of the auction action in Ohio.
Available to order for spring 2023, both the 2150S Early Riser front-fold trailing planter and the Precision Disk 550 air drill offer added capacity to get more done in a day.
As March soybeans soar above $15.50, what fundamental factors are driving the rally to start February? It isn’t the time of year for a harvest rally, but that’s what might be taking place based on issues in Brazil. Prices are now adding fuel to the 2022 acreage battle.