November 13, 2016

Here's Why Thanksgiving Is the Deadliest Holiday of the Year

Thanksgiving is a day for intimidating dinner portions, uncomfortable political debates, and your uncle’s questionable sense of humor — but did you know that between car accidents, heart attacks, and cooking and serving mishaps, this joyous holiday...Read More

You Won't Believe What The Pilgrims Actually Ate on Thanksgiving

When it comes time to set the Thanksgiving table, it’s all about traditions, both familial and national. There has to be a turkey, there has to be cranberry sauce and stuffing, and for dessert there has to be a pumpkin pie. For many families, the...Read More

Eating Bitter Food Might Make You More Judgmental

Your food and drink choices might have an impact on your moral judgment. A study published in Psychological Science aimed to measure how people evaluated certain morally challenging situations after consuming either a sweet, bitter, or neutral-...Read More
Taste and Judgment

The Complete NASCAR Tailgating Checklist

There’s nothing like the revving of the engines, the dramatics of a tight race, and tens of thousands of people cheering in the stands as the cars drive past on a NASCAR race day. But there may be one thing that is just as good (if not better):...Read More
NASCAR Tailgate

11 Foods to Keep Your Skin Healthy All Winter

In November, the cold weather is refreshing and inviting, but by January, it’s just torture. Sub-zero temperatures and chilling gusts, at least in much of the country, make leaving the house a distressing ordeal, but these frigid conditions can also...Read More

5 Reasons the Kids’ Table Is Actually Way Better

Throughout your childhood, you always wanted to be included in the adult table. It seemed to be sophisticated, classy, and where the real party was at. You wanted to drink out of those fancy wine glasses, eat off the good china, and debate politics...Read More
Adults Are Boring

We Discovered the Magical Secret Ingredient in IHOP’s Omelettes

Plenty of people have a “secret ingredient” that they mix into their eggs when they’re making an omelette. Adding a little water will slow down the cooking process and result in a slightly fluffier omelette. Adding a little milk will make it...Read More
IHOP Breakfast

4 Turkey Treats From Pinterest That Are (Almost) Too Cute to Eat

Though the bird itself ends up cooked and on your dinner plate for the holiday dinner, there’s no denying that the turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving. From parade floats to décor to stuffed animals for children, the turkey takes over the month of...Read More
Nutter Butter Turkey

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