December 11, 2020  I   View in Browser

Today's Top Stories

Behind-the-Desk Insights  
Behind-the-Desk Insights

Overall, 2020 brought continued stress to the agricultural economy, according to a recent report from Farmer Mac and the American Bankers Association (ABA) that surveyed nearly 500 loan officers, managers and executives.

Conservation Practices Reduce ‘Rings Of Death’  
Conservation Practices Reduce ‘Rings Of Death’

The white areas in this North Dakota field are not snow — they are areas with high salinity, which can ultimately cause low crop yields.

Our Legacy. Their Land.  
Our Legacy. Their Land.

Corn farming is full of uncontrollable things. How you farm isn’t one of them. Find out what you can do today to secure a sustainable tomorrow.

Here’s Why Traders Weren’t Impressed with USDA’S December Crop Reports  
Here’s Why Traders Weren’t Impressed with USDA’S December Crop Reports

Analysts say the trade expected a bullish USDA December report. With minimal changes, traders sold the market and commodity prices dropped.

Peter Martin: Gear Up For Loan Renewals  
Peter Martin: Gear Up For Loan Renewals

Know your production numbers and breakevens. Where did you make and lose money? What’s your budget for 2021? Run scenarios showing how the bank will be repaid, even if prices fall or expenses rise.

Join our $100 Ideas Club  
Join our $100 Ideas Club

Think you have an idea worth $100 – or even $200? Submit it here! Upon publication in Farm Journal, the Double Your Money winner receives $200. Other farmers featured receive $100 each.

2020 Hog Slaughter Capacity Altered By COVID-19  
2020 Hog Slaughter Capacity Altered By COVID-19

2020 hog slaughter has certainly challenged capacity this year, and it’s been a good test – and no minor test at that – said Iowa State University ag economist Lee Schulz.

Share the Pain. Share a Laugh. What a Day!  
Share the Pain. Share a Laugh. What a Day!

Sometimes the only way to get through life’s mishaps is to either laugh or commiserate. So here’s your chance to share it with our readers. Email images to or hashtag #FJWhatADay on Twitter and Instagram.

Clinton Griffiths: Hungry for 2021  
Clinton Griffiths: Hungry for 2021

Here’s some good news: 2020 is almost over. After what’s been a roller coaster of a year, I’m sure I am not the only one looking to get off this ride at the next stop.

#FJFieldDays On-Demand: <br />Dial In Conservation Tillage  
#FJFieldDays On-Demand:
Dial In Conservation Tillage

Mitchell Hora, Mike Langseth, and Jodi DeJong-Hughes join AgDay’s Clinton Griffiths for a conversation on how to dial in conservation tillage. This program is brought to you in partnership with and America’s Conservation Ag Movement.




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