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HFAP surveys, sepsis and patient handoffs
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

News Headlines

Incomplete processes, insufficient documentation were top concerns in HFAP surveys
Source: Accreditation Insider

A new report released by the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) says its surveyors found that in 2018, healthcare organizations had the most problems with the development of policies, alignment of procedures, and completion of assessments.

Every hour matters; delaying sepsis antibiotics in ER increases odds of mortality
Source: Accreditation Insider

New research finds that every hour of delay in administering antibiotics to sepsis patients in emergency rooms increases odds of 1-year mortality.


Inside Accreditation & Quality

Review hospital policies after suicide risk NPSG clarified in updated FAQs
Source: Inside Accreditation & Quality

Find people at your organization who can review your suicide risk reduction policies from a new perspective now that both The Joint Commission (TJC) and CMS have updated expectations.


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Product Spotlight

Webinar - Patient Handoffs: Stop Errors and Improve Compliance

June 27, 1:00–2:30 p.m. Eastern

Learn from international patient handoff expert Emily Patterson, PhD, as she teaches you how to adapt mnemonics, tools, and best practices to your facility.


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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
