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Now is the time to prepare for future home health payment reform.
CMS has plans to update the home health payment structure, which means big changes are in store for your home health agency. Among changes that could be coming include a 30-day episode, revisions to face-to-face requirements, changes to the rural add-on and more.

Join us October 25-26 in Chicago to get the latest details on what’s coming down the pike and how you need to adapt your operations to prepare.

State of payment reform: Leverage new opportunities
Thursday, October 25 | 9:00 - 10:15 am

Learn how to perform an impact analysis to uncover exactly how future changes will affect your organization.

Understand data drivers that will ensure success amid massive market changes
Friday, October 26 | 9:00 - 10:30 am

Get benchmarks on patient characteristics, length of stay, facility-based and non-facility based admissions, Medicare spending for different DRGs and readmission rates.

Manage costs, improve operational efficiencies and prepare for new payment model
Thursday, October 25 | 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Roll up your sleeves and analyze ways to improve productivity and achieve operational efficiency in preparation for pending changes.

View the full agenda here
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