November 6, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Another week, another "there's a sneaky way to get income from a hot trend" idea being promoted by a newsletter.  This time it's The Wealth Advisory, and they say that December 18 can be the bgenning of "The Hidden Income Stream that Pays You Money Any Time an Electric Vehicle Plugs Into a Charging Station."  Sound familiar?  We've looked at this story before, but time for an update... and if it makes you feel better, all the stocks are a lot cheaper than they were last time they sent a similar ad... just click below to...

Are You Trading “Seasonal Switchblades”?

We’ve discovered what can only be called the “Seasonal Switchblade”.

3 stocks that snap-surge bullish every November.

It happened last year, and the year before and so forth, but the November 2023 seasonal switch blade is sharper…

Everyone has heard of seasonal stocks, but do you know how to take advantage of them at the right time?

The A.I. has identified 3 seasonal stocks switching over as I write this, but what truly sent shockwaves through us was this particular one.


Miss anything in the world of Gumshoe last week?  Let's catch you up!

The most-discussed pitch was from Nomi Prins, who's promising that an "obscure midwest firm" owns the "EV Master Key" 

We started with a look at the "$4.5 Trillion Energy Map" teased by Tim Melvin, who says it' represents "Buffett's Bet Against Biden"

We also checked in on Alexander Green's "All-In Event" about the "#1 Investment for 2024" (hint:  it will sound kinda familiar)

Doc Gumshoe chimed in with a thoughtful piece about the times when the healthcare system doesn't align with a patient's best interests.

We had yet another update on Teeka Tiwari's long-running "the dollar is about to be recalled" pitch, his ridiculous deadline moved to November 1 (and I bet it will be updated soon to either December 13 or January 31).

On Thursday I looked into an older pitch that I hadn't covered the first time around... partly because they're re-using it as a "special report" now.  That one's all about Porter Stansberry's admiration for the "Goldman Sachs of White Trash."

And I wrapped it up with the Friday File for my favorite people... updates this week on a bunch of the high-growth stocks that soared after earnings, but the most appealing buys for me were two favorites that crashed after earnings, getting below my "preferred buy" price again... just click below for those updates...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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