TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 17, 2018

New Book Unmasks Hidden History of How U.S. Corporations Gained Legal Personhood and Civil Rights

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Corporations have fought a long battle to win rights once granted only to individuals. READ MORE»

27 Women Who Have Accused Donald Trump of Sexual Misconduct

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

From sexual harassment to rape, the accusations are more numerous than you think. READ MORE»

The Racist Origin of the Second Amendment and the Rise of Black Gun Ownership

By Zenobia Jeffries, YES! Magazine

Many people of color are faced with uneasy support for a civil right that began as a way to oppress them. READ MORE»

Bush Is Gone, but the Neocons Are Back

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo signals a coming confrontation with Iran. READ MORE»

Stunning Critics, Oklahoma Turns to 'Experimental' Use of Nitrogen Gas to Kill People

By Julia Conley, Common Dreams

The American Veterinary Medical Association has deemed the use of nitrogen gas as unacceptable for euthanizing animals. READ MORE»

New Report on CIA Nominee Gina Haspel May Rescue Her: But It Shouldn't

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

It seems Haspel did not oversee the torture of Abu Zubaydah. She’s still implicated in the CIA’s Bush-era crimes. READ MORE»

'Like He Didn't Exist': Texas Paper Edits Grieving Gay Son out of Mom's Obituary

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

Newspaper publisher claims he can't publish anything "contrary to God's Word." READ MORE»

The VA Is the Closest Thing We Have to Single Payer—Now Trump Wants to Privatize It

By Bryce Covert, In These Times

The VA has problems, but more "vouchers to veterans" won't help. READ MORE»

The #MosqueMeToo Controversy Sheds Light on Sexualized Violence and Xenophobia

By Aviva Stahl, Women's Media Center

Victims' stories are being used as political footballs.  READ MORE»

Republicans Prioritize Airline Employees' Poor Judgment With Pets Over Young People Dying From Gun Violence

By Gabrielle Gurley, The American Prospect

Congress says WOOFF on guns. READ MORE»

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