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Business Profiles

Business Profiles is the special multimedia advertising opportunity highlighting Central Pennsylvania businesses. Advertisers will receive a full-page profile, including up to 500 words and a photo to educate our influential business readers about your company’s services, mission, history and accomplishments. If requested, we can provide a professional writer to help create your story

Reserve your space by August 21st to receive discounted pricing and ensure your business is top of mind to the CPBJ readers.

Submit your profile!

This Business Profile includes:
• You can include a URL link to your advertisement to create a LIVE AD on the digital edition and drive traffic to your company’s website!
• Article will appear as sponsored content for one week on
• Upon publication, you will receive your profile in an electronic format that can be reproduced for: ONLINE USE, PRINT PROMOTIONS, MAIL CAMPAIGNS, FLYERS, MARKETING and TRADE SHOWS.

For sponsorship, please contact

Central Penn Business Journal

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